Biting – What To Do When Your Toddler is Biting Others

Does Your toddler Bite? Stop toddlers biting

Helpful advice on toddlers biting

At some point in life, many toddlers bite their parents as well as other children. Here is some advice for parents who are dealing with a toddler that is biting.

Expressing their frustrations

Children sometimes bite as a way of expressing themselves. Some children may not have the language to communicate and will often bite others as a way of communicating.

Reduce tension to the toddler

Current tensions, as well as stored tensions, can be one of the leading causes as to why a toddler may bite. Changes such as moving house or having a new baby can be some of the environmental changes that may make a toddler angry, leading to them to bite. Helping children through these times of change can be difficult as it can be hard to determine how they are feeling, it is best to keep their routine the same during these periods.

Predict the reason why the toddler is biting

Understanding why children bite can help find the trigger. There can be numerous reasons why children bite and often this is just a stage children go through. If the child attends nursery communicate with their key person and see if there is a pattern establishing as to why the child might be biting.

Too young to understand

Many children do not fully understand the reason behind why they have bitten someone, therefore talking to them at length about what they have done can often be pointless as they don’t understand. If you can find the triggers as to why the child is biting this can often help prevent the child from biting. Being consistent on how you deal with the situation is crucial, distraction and not giving the child too much attention are recommended tips.

Children will often bite for attention, and it is important that children are not given too much of this after they have bitten. Parents also need to realise that some children go through the stage of biting and this normal behaviour.

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