Top 5 Movies For Your Kids In Lockdown

Kids nowadays have more choices than ever in terms of media – dozens of TV shows to watch, a myriad of games to play, and so many animated movies to choose from on several streaming services. The role of a parent has also become more complex as well, with us having to be constantly updated and aware of what our kids are choosing to watch and play. We’ve done the homework for you and have come up with the 5 great movie choices that you and your child will both enjoy:

This heartfelt movie is not only entertaining and funny, but has great messages about emotions, adolescence, and mental health. Inside Out may just be the first and only animated movie that validated the different feelings puberty and adolescence brings and how to handle them. This is a film you can watch with your child and use as a tool to talk about emotional intelligence and the importance of recognizing and expressing your feelings in a healthy manner. 

My son loved this movie when he was a toddler. He found Baymax the cutest and most entertaining character ever and he thought the villain was just the right amount of scary and exciting. The themes of this movie revolve around friendship, family, loss, and doing the right thing – all great messages for your child to learn about. It’s also a quick-paced and action-packed film, so you won’t mind when your child asks you to watch it for the 100th time.

This visually-appealing movie shows the importance of brains over brawn, being kind, and following your heart. The main character of this movie goes against what is the “norm” in his culture to show kindness to an animal that is usually captured immediately and killed. He’s also not the toughest in his village, yet he is able to use the skills he has to eventually save his whole clan. These are all great themes for kids to learn from (and even adults too).

  1. Frozen (recommended for 4 years old and up)

Who doesn’t know the movie Frozen? This blockbuster even has a sequel already which did just as well at the box office. And why not? This moving story about sisters clearly demonstrates women empowerment and goes against the typical princess-with-a-prince-and-a-happy-ending story. It goes against the grain of a typical princess story and plants the idea that little girls can grow up to be strong, independent women. 

This movie version of a classic story that appeals to both adults and children. Kids will love the talking animals and will notice the friendships formed between them. They’ll feel sympathy for the pig, but because the movie is not as sad as the book, the sad scenes shown are appropriate for young children. The movie is an entertaining ride and doesn’t contain any scenes that you might need to shield your child from. Another great choice when you want to talk about friendship, grief, and relationships.

These are just a few of our top suggestions but there are a lot of other movies and shows with great themes and messages that you can let your child watch, without worrying that they’ll accidentally see something inappropriate. For more media suggestions for your child, you can visit


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