1. Brushing twice a day
All dentists say it, and they say it for a reason. You need to make sure you are brushing at least twice a day to remove any plaque or bacteria from their teeth and gums. Toothpaste contains fluoride, which helps keep your children’s teeth healthy. Children should be taught in front of a mirror and shown that both the teeth and gums should be brushed in a circular motion.
2. Flossing regularly
Flossing is something that can be done from the time your children get two teeth. Show them the technique of getting between the teeth, right to the bottom and either side to ensure all plaque is out.
3. Eat their way to healthy teeth
Children need to eat foods that are high in calcium, just like they eat yoghurts to help their bones grow stronger, they need dairy to help their teeth stay healthy too.
4. Regular check-ups
Make sure your children are registered at a dentist and ensure they have regular check-ups. Encourage the children to think of the dentist as a positive place, not a daunting one. Dentists can spot signs of early tooth decay and other problems that you may not spot until its too late.
5. Drink water
Drinks that have a lot of sugar in such as fizzy pop, squash and pure fruit juice should be avoided. The sugar will cause tooth decay over time, so give them water, let them get used to it from an early age.
6. Watch out for hidden sugar
Try to keep an eye out for high sugar foods. Bread, Yoghurts and even fruit has a high amount of natural sugar in. Even though its fruit, it still has sugar that can rot your children’s teeth.
7. Get regular hygienist cleans
Get your child booked in with a hygienist regularly, they will give them a thorough and efficient cleanse which can not be achieved on their own.
8. Choose healthy snacks
Don’t give your children sugary snacks like chocolate, biscuits or sweets. Give them some fruit, like raisins or some apple and grapes. Popcorn is a surprisingly good example, as it is low in fat and can remove harmful bacteria after meals.
9. Discourage thumb sucking
Sucking your thumb from a young age can have an adverse effect. The children’s teeth can be pushed out, causing them to have orthodontic work to correct it.
10. Do not give children milk before bed
Milk is very good to strengthen the enamel of teeth but its has been found to cause tooth decay if your child has milk before bed. The saliva glands stop working when you’re asleep, and therefore the bacteria from the milk can not be broken down, so the sugar ends up rotting your children’s teeth.
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