The Shocking Truth Behind These Black Marks on Public Baby’s Changing Table

A Mother has highlights the shocking truth behind the black marks you often see on a babies changing table in public changing tables.

Jessica Wayman, 24 Hit facebook to share a seemingly innocent photo showing the children’s changing area.

The shocking truth behind these black marks on public baby's changing table

The table has what appears to be innocent wear and tear marks on its surface – However Jessica has revealed, the real reason behind them is far more worrying than you could imagine.

Jessica Wayman is a recovering drug addict and hopes to warn parents around the world about the possible dangers of not making sure the area is clean properly before you use it.

Before you even consider putting your baby down on these changing tables always make sure you wipe them down using an antibacterial wipe or spray. Even if you are in a rush or even if you put a blanket down.

These black marks are often caused by drug addicts burnt spoons when they use these tables to shoot up.
Jessica says…

”There could be residue from heroin or meth whatever, and other harmful bodily fluids. If someone doesn’t care about themselves, I can promise you, they aren’t thinking about your kids. Be cautious.

‘All it would take is flakes getting stuck to a blanket, and the baby later putting the blanket in their mouth. Especially with all the Fentanyl out there right now, it takes a tiny amount to kill a full grown adult, it would take even less to kill a tiny baby.’

The clean drug addict said that the burn marks that very often appear in public baby changing rooms and also in disabled toilets throughout the world.

”Share so this can reach as many parents, guardians and babysitters as possible. It could mean the difference between life or death or a serious life-threatening injury, for a lot of innocent children and unsuspecting parents.’

After sharing her post on Facebook, Jessica received quite a bit of hate as a lot of people were sceptical and was accused of fabricating the information to fear-monger.

Jessica later commented and insisted that she was not fabricating and that this is very much the case as she should know being a recovering drug addict and therefore in an excellent position to know precisely what can go on in these public baby changing facilities. She said she only created the post to highlight to parents what could be on the changers.


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