Benefits of sharing songs and nursery rhymes with your child
It’s never to early to start sharing songs and nursery rhymes with your child, as your baby will love the sound of your voice. Your baby loves and recognises your voice as they have heard it all the way through your pregnancy.
Singing to your child will calm them down. Also, it doesn’t have to be the standard well-known nursery rhymes, and it can be any song you like. A lot of the time, your baby will love listening to music you had on while they were in the womb. Your baby will enjoy certain parts of a song more than others.
You can sing songs and nursery rhymes no matter what time of the day it is, and it is a great source to help comfort your baby when they are irritable and tired.
Singing songs and nursery rhymes with your child will help improve their talking and listening skills. Children tend to learn most through playing, so don’t forget to incorporate sharing songs and rhymes during children’s every day play.

You can use intonation to make the songs more enjoyable and different. Children enjoying making up silly songs so encourage this as it will help develop their early literacy skills. Always remember to praise your child when they join in as children relish in receiving positive reinforcement.
Children will always have their favourite songs but don’t forget the songs that were around when you were a child, a collection of different songs, and nursery rhymes are always good for children to experiences as they all have a story behind them.