Returning to work after maternity leave can be a daunting thing, especially leaving your baby for the first time. You may feel fine back in a routine. However, it may also take you some time to settle back in.
Tips on returning to work after maternity leave
- DO plan regular reviews with your line manager. A weekly update with your boss during the first month is useful for reporting on what is working well and to raise issues. This also has the benefit of enabling you to appear professional and proactive. It will help your boss to realise that you are adding value from day one.
- DO agree to a date for an objectives setting meeting in your first week back. A good time for this will be about two months after your return to work. Use this meeting to agree short-term objectives and also talk about your career plan. This will enable you to reassure your line manager of your commitment and professionalism.
- DO ask for help. It is very easy for those you work with to assume everything is OK if you don’t say anything.
- DO review your life and career goals after you have been back for a couple of months.
After having a baby, you may want to work differently in order to balance work and home life. You also have childcare needs to think about. Flexible work is an option that could be available to you.
Flexible working after maternity leave
In June 2014 the employment law changed so that all employees can make a formal request to work flexibly if they have been with the company for 26 weeks or more.
Choosing childcare
Finding childcare that is right and convenient for you is the most common concern with parents. You need to consider the availability, flexibility and cost of childcare as they can vary between areas of the UK.
You will find your feet eventually and learn how to balance family life and working life, it just may take a bit of time.
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