

Being A Stay At Home Dad

There is an increasing number of men taking the role of the primary carer for their kids and becoming a stay at home dad. I am one of those dads, and that is probably one of the reasons why I started I decided to take a look at why

Family Matters

Three Children Is The Most Stressful Amount Of Children To Have

According to a mums around the world, having 3 children is the hardest job in parenting. A study in 2018 has found that having three children can cause a whole lot of stress compared to any other number of children. So if you are like me and are 1 of

The shocking truth behind these black marks on public baby's changing table

The Shocking Truth Behind These Black Marks on Public Baby’s Changing Table

A Mother has highlights the shocking truth behind the black marks you often see on a babies changing table in public changing tables. Jessica Wayman, 24 Hit facebook to share a seemingly innocent photo showing the children’s changing area. The table has what appears to be innocent wear and tear

baby having fun
Health & Development

Do Your Toddlers Use Social Media?

  Young children as young as 2 are being allowed to use social media and studies suggest it is damaging their mental health. Parents are said to be contributing to damaging the mental health of their children by allowing them to use social media a charity has warned. A fresh

kid eating

Why is My Baby Crying?

Your baby is trying to tell you something that is why they are crying. A baby crying is the only form of communication for your bundle of joy. That sweet, lovable baby can turn into full-on gremlin in a fit of tears and is just craving for your attention. A

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