

Effective Strategies for Establishing a Consistent Bedtime Routine for Kids

The journey of parenthood is a wonderful yet challenging experience, especially for new parents. One of the most significant challenges in the early years of raising a child is creating and maintaining a consistent bedtime routine. A well-established bedtime routine not only ensures that your child gets sufficient rest but

Siblings Without Rivalry

Siblings Without Rivalry: Promoting Positive Relationships Amongst Children

Introduction In a world filled with competition and comparison, it’s essential to nurture positive relationships among siblings. The dynamics between brothers and sisters can significantly impact their development and well-being. This article delves into the importance of promoting positive relationships amongst children and provides valuable insights on how to achieve

The Benefits of Family Game Nights
Health & Development

The Benefits of Family Game Nights

Family game nights are a fantastic way to bring everyone together and create meaningful memories. Whether you’re playing board games, card games, or an indoor or outdoor activity like charades or hide-and-seek, these regular gatherings can help foster family connection and communication while providing hours of fun for all ages.

What Type of Parent are you?

What Are The 5 Types Of Parenting? Which One Are You?

Are you a helicopter, neglectful, authoritative, or permissive parent? Every family is different, and each parenting style has its own benefits and drawbacks. Knowing which type of parent you are can help you understand your children’s needs better and identify potential conflict areas. Read on to learn more about the

Are Parents Too Over Protective?
Family Matters

Are Parents Overprotective? Are you one of these Parents?

Defining overprotective parents There are a lot of different ways you can describe overprotective parents, and in this blog post, we will look at what defines an overprotective parent and give you some examples. We will provide you with some tips on establishing if they are too overprotective and how

How Parents Arguing Can Negatively Effect A Child
Family Matters

How Parents Arguing Can Negatively Effect A Child

No matter how well you and your partner get along, there will be disagreements. It’s inevitable in any relationship. However, what you may not realize is that when you argue in front of your children, it can have a lasting effect on them. Let’s look at some of the different

childhood obesity

Are Parents To Blame For Childhood Obesity?

The problem of childhood obesity and why it’s on the rise As a parent, one of your greatest fears is probably that something will happen to your child. You worry about them getting sick, hurt, or worse. But what if there was something you could do to help protect them

How Parents Influence Their Children and Why You Need To Be Careful
Learning & Education

How Parents Influence Their Children and Why You Need To Be Careful

We all know that as parents, we significantly influence our children. But many people don’t realize how much influence we can have and how important it is to be careful with what we say and do around our kids. In this post, I’ll talk about how parents can influence their

How Parents Relationships Affects Children
Family Matters

How Parents Relationships Affects Children

How a parent’s relationship affects their child has been the subject of much debate and research. Some believe that a parent’s relationship with their partner is the most important factor, while others believe that the quality of the relationship between the parent and child is more important. However, it is

Family Matters

What Parents Need To Know About TikTok

TikTok is a social media app that has taken the world by storm. It is one of the most popular apps among teenagers and young adults, and its popularity continues to grow. But what is TikTok, and why is it so popular? TikTok allows users to create and share videos

Are parents always right?
Family Matters

Are Parents Always Right? Or do you get it wrong Sometimes?

Parents are often thought to be always right in everything they do, from telling their children what to wear to what to eat for breakfast to when it’s time for bed. Parents are always supposed to be the authority on what’s best for their kids. But is this really always

How Do You Start Positive Parenting

How Do You Start Positive Parenting? Our Simple Tips

What is positive parenting, and why do you need it? All parents know that moment when the house is calm and quiet, and your child or children are happily playing, and then something happens. It goes from mirror-calm lake to the rough North seas, and it could all be over

Are Parents to Blame for Childhood Obesity?

Childhood obesity is a significant problem in the United kingdom and the United States, with one-third of all children being overweight or obese. And while many factors contribute to this epidemic, parents are often blamed for not doing enough to keep their children healthy. But is this really fair? Are


Why Parents Are Overprotective

It’s no secret that today’s parents are overprotective. We’re constantly worried about our kids’ safety from playgrounds to schools. But why are we so obsessed with keeping them safe? Is it really worth sacrificing their independence? Or is there more to it than that? In this blog post, we’ll take


What Are The 4 Types Of Parenting?

There is no one right way to parent, but some general approaches tend to be more effective than others. One of the most important things that parents can do is establish a warm and supportive relationship with their children. This involves setting clear limits and expectations while also providing love

How Much Do Parents Spend On An Average Child?
Family Matters

How Much Do Parents Spend On An Average Child?

Before I was a parent, everybody told me relentlessly that children are expensive and you will be selling your toys. Well, I have to say I agree they are costly, and we have been lucky so far, but I am sure in the future, we will get hit harder. However,

Toxic Parenting
Family Matters

What is Toxic Parenting?

Toxic Parenting is a toxic caregiver that contributes to toxic experiences. Toxic parents usually lack the ability to be nurturing, supportive, emotionally stable, and consistent with their children. Toxic parents will often use abusive methods such as shaming, humiliation or guilt trips in order to make you do what they

What Is Therapeutic Parenting

What Is Therapeutic Parenting?

Parenting is a tough job, and it can be even more challenging when you have children with special needs. Therapeutic parenting is the most nurturing approach for parents of traumatised kids. This blog post will tell you all about what therapeutic parenting entails.”  Therapeutic parenting is an intervention involving parent-child


Clear Expectations Make Discipline Easier

As a parent, it can be challenging to communicate with your child. Setting clear expectations about what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour will help you better teach them right from wrong. If the rules are unclear or your child learns that in one situation, they apply but not another, there’s


Chart your Child’s Accomplishments with a Chore Chart

A chore chart is a great way to get kids doing chores. Each kid has one or two things that they have to do every week, and once it’s done, they put a checkmark on the list. No more nagging is needed! In a household, members have to meet certain


Celebrate your Child’s Uniqueness

Every child is unique and different in their own special way, like a snowflake or fingerprint. Every child has different ways of feeling, thinking and interacting with others. Some children are shy, while others have outgoing personalities; some are active, whereas others can be calm. Fretful kids may not always


Building Your Child’s Self Esteem

In order to boost your child’s sense of self-value and positive perception, you should show them that you have a strong worth. Talk about yourself with enthusiasm and highlight what makes you great! This will teach children it is okay to be proud and happy for their talents, skills, and


“Because” Just Isn’t the Answer

It’s important to establish rules and expectations for your children early on in their lives. However, sometimes it can be difficult when they don’t agree with the rules you set forth or choose to ignore them altogether. To avoid confusion or unnecessary punishment, make sure they understand why these are


Actively Listening To Your Child

Being a parent can be difficult, especially when it feels like your kids aren’t listening to you. One important thing that all great parents do is listen closely and communicate openly with their children. You should take the time to hear them out – after all, their opinions are worth

The Secret to Bringing up Happy Kids After The Divorce Lawyer Has Been
Family Matters

The Secret to Bringing up Happy Kids After The Divorce Lawyer Has Been

“Co-parenting. It’s not a competition between two homes. It’s a collaboration of parents doing what is best for the kids.” -Heather Hetchler.  The path of maintaining a marriage comes with a lot of obstacles. Unfortunately, sometimes, the obstacles may outweigh the joys of marriage, and that is when couples may

Pros and Cons of Nuclear Family in the Modern World
Family Matters

Pros and Cons of Nuclear Family in the Modern World

Pros and Cons of Nuclear Family in the Modern World A Cliched but Important Discussion about the nuclear family. Nuclear families are not new, and neither is the discussion about them. If we believe the historians, nuclear families go way back to the 1300s. Since then, families have evolved, societies

9 Sure-shot Ways to Ensure Online Safety for Kids

Online safety for kids is essential in this ever changing modern world. The best way to sum up what being a parent is like, is the following quote: “Your children need to know they are loved and safe. Everything else is adult business.” ― Jeannine Lee. When kids are young,

Early Years

7 Great Habits Babies Inherit From Their Parents

They say babies inherit their parents’ traits through their genes and for some babies that may not be a good thing but moving on from that mums can have a massive impact on their babies. Babies tend to spend most of their time with the mother starting from the womb

Internal Family Systems
Family Matters

Understanding the Internal Family Systems Model Better

A family is a system composed of people whose members inevitably become at odds with each other. Sometimes, this is resolved without intervention. Other times, however, it requires a professional, such as a family therapist, to help them explore why they continue to clash and how to resolve it. One

Reasons Why You Must Try Out Parenting Classes
Early Years

Parenting Classes – Reasons Why You Must Try Out

Have you ever considered parenting classes? “Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk.” –Carl Jung. We know that children are influenced by the way their parents act and by what they do. Parenting is no easy feat, and unfortunately, many parents often doubt and

Single Motherhood
Family Matters

Support For Single Motherhood – Our 5 Tips

Is Single Motherhood a Bad Thing? It is often said that children are better off raised in two-parent households. It is also this common misconception that makes mothers consider staying in unhappy relationships with their partners. How many mothers have you encountered that have said they’re only “staying for the


6 Easy Parentings Tips For A Preschooler Child

The Preschooler age is a rewarding, albeit challenging age. According to developmental psychology, experiences at this age (early childhood experiences) influence a huge chunk of personality. It makes sense because, at this age, children have already started to become more aware that their actions will have corresponding consequences. As parents,

Fostering a Child? -Everything You Need to About Fostering a Child
Family Matters

Fostering a Child? -Everything You Need to About Fostering a Child

A family’s decision for fostering a child can make a whole world of difference to the kids who will be cared for. There were more than 55,000 children in the UK living with foster parents in 2019. While it is an immensely rewarding experience if you know the ins and

Single Motherhood – How to Ace the Game

Single Motherhood – 6 Great Ways How to Ace the Game

Single motherhood is always going to difficult but we are here to help ease the stress and guide you to being a better parent. Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing in the world to do. – Matt Walsh The

Baby Care Tips For New Mums
Family Matters

Baby Care Tips For New Mums – 9 Things New Mums Must Avoid Doing –

‘Your most valuable parenting skill is learning to manage yourself first’, said Dr Laura Markham. You become a mother the day when your child comes into this world. Therefore, alongside the beautiful and exciting experience of motherhood, come many problems. As a new mum, you may not know all the baby

Early Years Education
Early Years

5 Things Should Parents do to Boost Children’s Early Years Education

What Should Parents do to Boost Children’s Early Years Education? “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”—a famous quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt best explains why education is so important. As parents, it is essential to ensure that your

Family Matters

7 Telltale Signs of a Bad Parent

“Being a bad parent is a sign of not having learned from experience.” –Mokokoma Mokhonoana. Are you becoming a bad parent to your child? A parent-child bond is the most beautiful and pure, yet can be dark and filled with hatred. A child often harbours the scars from your bad

Raising Boys
Health & Development

Raising Boys – Our 5 Easy Tips On Raising Boys

Raising boys has had a lot of discussion recently on social media and so Whoobly decided to look into raising boys as opposed to girls a little closer. There has been increased attention on educating girls about gender roles and expectations. In a society that has evolved from favouring men

Toxic Parenting
Family Matters

Breaking The cycle of Toxic Parenting

Toxic Parenting is a style of parenting you do not want to expose to your children and we will look at ways you can break the toxic parenting cycle. The way we parent is largely influenced by the way we were parented. It either makes us want to emulate their

how to be a successful single mother
Family Matters

4 Ways To Drive Away the Stress Factor from Single Motherhood

Single motherhood can be stressful but we shall try and help you. “Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest thing”, said Ricki Lake. No other quote can sum up the true meaning of motherhood than this. Being a mother is being selfless, you must learn to put your kids’

Foster Parenting

Planning To Go The Foster Parenting Way?

Here are the Do’s and Don’ts  Foster parenting can easily qualify as one of the most arduous tasks in the world. It calls for nurturing, commitment, and dedication, and when it gets over, sometimes it also takes strength and resilience. Resilience to survive the heartbreak when the foster child leaves

Narcissistic Parents

6 Solid Reasons to Stop Being Narcissistic Parents

“Children learn more from what you are than what you teach” — W.E.B. DuBois. Well, each and every parent will definitely agree with this. In fact, a lot of things contribute to developing a child’s personality, out of which the relationship the child shares with the parents is of primary

Helicopter Parenting

Why Helicopter Parenting is a Bad Idea?

“There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So, just be a real one.” – Sue Atkins Parenting is probably the most challenging job on this planet. There are no markers, definitions, or scales that help you become a good parent. Since every child is different, every parent has

Parenting Classes

Benefits of Attending Parenting Classes

Are parenting classes worth the time and money? Get Effective Parenting Skills Online The new and only slightly familiar world of parenthood can be understandably quite daunting for first-time parents. Even with the knowledge and experience from your own childhood years and how you were parented by your primary caregivers,

best childcare help in the UK

Therapeutic Parenting – A Nurturing Solution for Children with Trauma

Therapeutic parenting strategies are a unique style of parenting that applies to families where children have a history of childhood trauma. This parenting is usually taught to foster or adopting parents who are going to care for children coming from broken homes. Read on to learn more about therapeutic parenting

effective parenting skills online

Attachment Parenting – 8 Steps to Bringing Up Well-Rounded Children

Times have changed, and so has parenting. We have now arrived at a time where it’s getting difficult to find the balance between love and discipline. Of course, the days of ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’ are long gone. But hasn’t it become awfully tricky nowadays to teach

effective parenting skills online
Learning & Education

A Parents Guide To Internet Safety For Kids

When I was a child, the Internet did not exist, but now internet safety for kids is essential and very important to get right. The Internet can be both an enjoyable and a dangerous place. Nowadays, there is practically no escaping it (unless you decide to become a hermit). Everyone

Helicopter Parent
Family Matters

Are You A Helicopter Parent?

Is being a helicopter parent a good thing? Helicopter parent was a term that is said to be first used by Dr Haim Ginott’s 1969 book Parents & Teenagers by teens which described parents that would hover about them like a helicopter. This term became so popular that in 2011 it made

3 Easy Homeschooling Tips
Learning & Education

3 Easy Homeschooling Tips

With homeschooling on a lot of parents’ minds nowadays, whether by choice or not, parents are scrambling to think of what activities their kids can do at home. Some schools are doing online classes or meetings, with homework being sent straight to the parents, while others are on an extended


3 Great Ways To Raise Your Child’s EQ

In recent years, the term EQ, also known as emotional quotient or emotional intelligence, has become an ever-present part of conversations about parenting and raising children. As more and more parents realize the importance of raising resilient and well-rounded children, less focus has been put on increasing a child’s IQ,

What Is Attachment Parenting?

What Is Attachment Parenting?

Attachment parenting is a term that most parents have heard of but are probably not quite sure what it means or entails. Some parents have probably learned a little about it but have dismissed it and declared, “That’s not for me. I can’t follow all those rules.” But what is

How To Get Your Kids To Stop Bickering

5 Ways To Get Your Kids To Stop Bickering

If you’re a parent of two or more children, you’ll definitely agree that siblings will be bickering about anything and everything. Whether it’s about who got the Legos first or someone sitting too close to someone else, the bickering can seem non-stop.  We’re sure you still remember the time when

10 Principles on Raising Children of Character

10 Principles on Raising Children of Character

The character of a person is defined as “the mental and moral qualities distinct to an individual.” Sometimes, we hear the phrases, “he was a man of good character” or “that was out of character for her.” We know that a strong character is an important part of being a

Screen Time - How Much is Too Much?
Health & Development

Screen Time – How Much is Too Much?

In this day and age, it’s hard to find a parent who hasn’t had some sort of internal conflict regarding screen time – Should I allow my child to watch YouTube? Can I let her borrow my smartphone? Am I a horrible parent if I buy my 10-year-old her own

Health & Development

A Massage Can Stop A Crying Baby

Reflexology is nothing new and is the ancient practice of massaging pressure points throughout the body to stimulate nerve endings and can help to relieve pain. These nerve endings apparently correspond to different organs and places within the body. Parents are now looking at reflexology to help their young children.

Family Matters

7 Ways To Help Combat Children Who Hit Other Children

One of a parents biggest fears is that their child is hitting other children. We have compiled some tips to help deal with your child’s behaviour. When a child hits, there are more things to it that than only violence, there are a lot of emotions going on. Your toddler

foster care suggestions in the UK

For The New Foster Parent

So, you have thought of undertaking one of life’s most noble, albeit challenging, tasks: raising children that are not your own. And not just any children. The children in the care system have been taken away from the care of their parents due to risk or actual neglect or abuse.

Scotland Smacking Ban
Family Matters

The Scottish Smacking Ban… Is It Right?

Scotland has become the first country in the UK to make parents criminals when they smack their children. The ban on smacking and all physical punishment was backed by 84 votes to 29 by the Scottish parliament 3rd October 2019. This new law will give children the same protection as

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