10 Easy Ways To Make The Most Of Sharing A Story

Sharing A Story

Ten Tips for Sharing a Story

Sharing a story with children is deeply important; during these precious moments, children learn many new skills. It is also a time for adults to spent quality time with their children and focuses on providing the foundations for their learning.

Find a quiet place away from any distractions. This area needs to be comfy and away from any distractions and noise as children can easily get distracted.

Talk about the book- Look at the pictures and reflect on what is happening, make reference to things in the book.

Use noises in the book- If there are animals or other objects that make noises incorporate these into the story as children love copying these noises.

Use different voices– Make the stories more engaging by uses different voices for a different character and look at the tone of your voices as well. Children will be able to distinguish which character is which by the use of your voice.

Involve the child/children- Children love joining in, get them to make sounds and noises and encourage them to join in the repetitive phrases.

Use movements– Bring the story to life by using movements to represent parts of the story for example if there are descriptive language in the story, look to see if you are able to act this out, e.g. slithering snake slides across the ground.

Introduce a song- At the end of the story, sing a song that may fit in with this story as this is a great way to extend children’s learning.

Use props- Find some props to use alongside the story e.g. puppet, this helps to keep children interested, and they may want to play the part of the puppet.

Look at back through the story-Once finished sharing a story go back through the story and ask the child some questions about the story.

Let the child tell you the story- Children enjoy telling adults a story, let them use the pictures to retell the story.

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