Some helpful advice on dealing with children’s tantrums
At the age of two years, there is always a rapid development of a child’s brain. This will ultimately lead to a desire by the child to be independent and at the same time, have his/her preferences considered in almost everything ranging from food to toys, among other things. Children may express this through crying, screaming, yelling and even going for what they want, for instance when doing shopping in a store or supermarket.
For most parents, they may feel a little bit embarrassed, but they must understand this is an essential stage for toddlers, and it’s normal. To overcome children’s tantrums, the following advice can help:-
Mutual Understanding
In most cases, the parent/s may not understand why the toddler is behaving badly. This is because the child may be acting like this for a reason which as a parent, you may not understand their intention. Because of this, most parents will join in with the children’s tantrum and raise their voice. This will make the kid more frustrated and frightened thus insist on what he/she wants. To overcome this, as parents, you should understand where the kid is coming from and where he/she is going to.
Consider the level of your toddler’s emotions
At this age, most children will develop very high emotions and will always be resilient on specific issues. These emotions may make them not talk but can only scream out. Handling them carefully at this period is important. As a father or mother you need to hug your toddler or take his or her hand gently while talking to them.
In some cases the child may not want to be held, therefore as a good and caring parent you need to stand beside him or her quietly. This may be the last thing that as a parent, you will want to do, but it’s the best solution in helping the child to overcome their tantrum.
See things from the toddler’s perspective
As a parent, you do not expect the toddler to see things from your perspective but instead look at things from the toddler’s perspective. It is not because the toddler wants to create inconveniences in your morning or good afternoon! No, it is because all does not seem right from his/her small world.
By looking at their behaviour from their direction or perspective, it will be a milestone in developing necessary compassion which will effectively help in preventing and stopping their tantrums. Therefore by having a look at things from the toddler’s view, you will quickly help them in combating his/her inappropriate behaviour.
Keep focus on the toddler’s positive behaviour
As much as the toddler may be having terrible tantrums in and out of the home, as a parent you need to recommend and appreciate good behaviours of your toddler. Be keen and attentive to your child and never miss to compliment him or her when he does something nice. This will motivate the toddler hence with time he/she will realize that if I do some things, Mummy and Daddy will be happy. This will make them always want to do these things because of the nice and loving words which come from mummy and daddy.
On the other hand, when redirecting your toddler as a parent, ensure that you do it in love as this will be the only way to improve on the child’s behaviour.
Apply the time out technique
This technique works effectively in helping to deal with the behaviour of two-year-old toddlers. Slight variations or modifications may be required depending on the type and nature of the child.
Time out technique requires that the toddler be put in a time out for about three to five minutes until he/she is quiet. This may be done by holding the child’s hand and walking with him/her without giving any special attention to behaviour. Secondly, there are other ways that work best.
However, all children are individuals, and the child may be left to run within the back yard for a couple of minutes. This will help them cool down or moving them away from the situation and using distraction techniques is another tactic to use. There is no right or wrong way to deal with a child’s tantrum. However, being consistent and calm is a fantastic tool to remember.
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