“Free the child’s potential, and you will transform him into the world,” says Maria Montessori. As soon as you become a mother or father, the responsibility of being a good parent comes along with many other added duties. You must get to know the art of gentle parenting that will help you and your children, and together, you can make a peaceful and lovely family.

Here is a list of few tips recommended to parents on how to raise your kids without shouting at them often.
Regulate your own emotions – Gentle Parenting
If you want to change anything, the change has to come from you. Whenever you feel your kid is testing your patience, don’t give way to your emotions all of a sudden. Instead, please take a deep breath, relax, and try to arrive at a solution that will control your kid without making him offensive.
Gentle parenting like this will take time, but practice can make you a good gentle parent. You stop taking any actions until you turn calm because your anger might end up upsetting you and your kid.
Connect yourself with your kids
Gentle parenting works well only if you have a proper connection with your kid. Try to spend more time with your kid and build up a lovely bond between you and your kid. Understand your kid’s mentality and play accordingly. Your kid will be mesmerized by the love you are showing to him, and you can indeed feel the difference in your kid’s response whenever you request help.
Give a proper explanation
If your kid did something wrong or uttered a lie that you have figured out later, don’t start yelling at him until you pour down all your anger. This doesn’t work anytime.
Rather than yelling, sit with your kid and talk about things in general. When you feel the cooperation increases in the conversation, you start discussing the mistakes your kid has committed. Don’t blame or shame him for what he has done. Instead, explain to him about the after-effects he has to face for uttering a lie and the consequences he will be facing in the future for his mistake.
Have a gentle conversation with more soothing words. That will indeed have an impact on your kid and change him into a better person.
Request for cooperation
If you expect your kid to abide by specific rules such as placing his books back in his bag, arranging things neatly, and so on, then request with him politely whether he can do those things. If you order him and show authority over him, he will start hating you for being a strict and irritating parent.
Instead, if you follow the art of gentle parenting and ask for his cooperation, he will agree to it without thinking twice. The next time around, he would have finished doing things perfectly even before you intimate him.
Offer support and earn it back
Helping your kid with some little work won’t be something difficult for you to do. Yet, if you stoop to his level and offer him some support, he will be overjoyed and will unexpectedly return the favour.
Children always repeat the things that parents do, and so, if you do good things, your kid will learn from you and repeat them.
Set limits
Children will always love to play all day and night, but that is not practically possible. But, making your kid understand this point can be pretty tricky. And for that, you shouldn’t take up the weapon of control because that would only scare your kid whenever he thinks about you. Instead, you can use your humour sense and make him understand that playing while lying down will be fun. Tell him that he won’t be able to play the next day if he continues to play without proper sleep. Make him agree to your decision how wholeheartedly.
Teach them to repair things
When your kids fight among themselves, don’t try to control them using force. Moreover, you can separate them for the time being. Once they turn cool, talk to them menacingly about the fight they had started.
Talk to both of them and try to listen to both the stories your kids have to tell. After hearing them, give them a detailed explanation about the cost of their actions and how each other had hurt one another.
Try to make them sorry for picking up a fight and make them swear not to fight again.
Make them feel safe
If your child doesn’t meet your expectations in studies or activities, don’t be upset with him. Your kid himself might be upset for not reaching the desired height, so you should try to pacify and encourage him so that he will feel secure and safe in your arms.
This will help your children believe more in you, and they will share everything with you without the need for hiding anything.
While trying to do gentle parenting, you may make mistakes. But, with the above-said tips, you can always become a good parent and can succeed in raising a disciplined child without fail.
I hope you have enjoyed our guide on how to do gentle parenting and why gentle parenting is a good way to bring up your children. If you have enjoyed reading this then please follow us on Facebook for more great parenting advice and tips.