From the minute children are born, they begin developing a love for learning new things. Early childhood experts say that even the way parents or any other person interacts with them during the early stages can enhance their development considerably. Children’s brain develops at a greater pace from a very young age. Therefore it is very important to foster this knowledge and provide children with the necessary learning experiences they need.
Brain develop learning is something we all do daily, but for children, its something new and enjoyable. Right from the minute, they are born developmental experiences during infancy are crucial. Dr Eliot’s experience as an early childhood development expert gives the statement some credibility, showing that the more you interact with a child, the higher the chance of increasing their intellectual development.
Love for Learning
There are ways to give children a head start in learning, one of which comes from the technological world of particular games and toys on the market that can engage children, however spending quality time with children can have just the same effect. Whether your child is a toddler or preschooler, there are many ways to enhance their development.
Language Development
Reading is a part of everyday life, it is compulsory for children when they get to school, and as they continue their learning, they are tested on their reading efficiency. They build up vocabulary to express themselves and their needs. By spending quality time reading stories to children can help build up a breadth of vocabulary and share the love of reading.
Mathematical Development
Many children enjoy Maths, as it is something different and challenging. Maths can also be fun as it can be interactive. You can help children learn maths by asking simple questions such as ‘how many birds can you see?’ or ‘how many cars have you got in your box.?’. This helps them develop their numeracy skills and reinforces the idea of learning at home.
Music Development

When in the womb music can stimulate a baby, and when the baby is born, it can recognise music that they heard. For example, if a mother listened to calming music before going to sleep, playing this music would help get the baby to sleep when born. Music is a fun activity for babies and children. By listening to different sounds, it can help children’s with phonic awareness which then help develops their early reading skills, and increases their confidence. There are many CDs aimed at baby and toddlers that can be used for an at-home alternative. It will allow parents to interact with their child during playtime. Musical instruments are a great resource as children can use these to create different sounds and create various rhythmic beats.
Physical Development
Children need to engage in some form of physical activity to help build their coordination and motor skills. A great way to develop their coordination skills is to play catch, and this will help develop children’s hand-eye coordination. For babies, it is a good idea to roll a ball to each other, and for toddlers, soft building blocks can encourage motor development.
It is never too young to offer children a variety of learning opportunities, and children need stimulation to help with brain development.
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