Establishing a Bedtime Routine

Bedtime Routine

Getting your child to sleep

Bedtime basics

Establish a bedtime routine will help get your child use to going to bed after certain activities, and it will also help them to relax. You could watch bedtime TV, have a bath, brush teeth, read a book and then time for sleep.

Give him a soak

Many children love to have a bath before bed, whether its a long one or a short one, it usually calms and relaxes them. It is also a great way to spend some quality time with your child and children will associate this as part of their bedtime routine

Bedtime Routine

Play a game

Playing a little board game or doing a puzzle can help some children get ready for bed. Just don’t get them too over excited before they sleep.

Have a chat

Talk to your child, ask them about their day and what they got up to at school. Ask them what they enjoyed and didn’t like so much or if they are worried about anything.

Read a bedtime story

All children love having a bedtime story. Let them choose what book and whether they want to read it or whether they want you to read to them. It allows them to unwind and makes them sleepy and this is an excellent addition to the child’s bedtime routine

Sing a song

Singing a lullaby is an excellent way to soothe a child, especially if its something you did when they were born.

Play some music

Some children like music played quietly in the background. Put at CD player or the radio on.

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