
Raising Boys
Health & Development

Raising Boys – Our 5 Easy Tips On Raising Boys

Raising boys has had a lot of discussion recently on social media and so Whoobly decided to look into raising boys as opposed to girls a little closer. There has been increased attention on educating girls about gender roles and expectations. In a society that has evolved from favouring men

Toxic Parenting
Family Matters

Breaking The cycle of Toxic Parenting

Toxic Parenting is a style of parenting you do not want to expose to your children and we will look at ways you can break the toxic parenting cycle. The way we parent is largely influenced by the way we were parented. It either makes us want to emulate their

how to be a successful single mother
Family Matters

4 Ways To Drive Away the Stress Factor from Single Motherhood

Single motherhood can be stressful but we shall try and help you. “Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest thing”, said Ricki Lake. No other quote can sum up the true meaning of motherhood than this. Being a mother is being selfless, you must learn to put your kids’

Foster Parenting

Planning To Go The Foster Parenting Way?

Here are the Do’s and Don’ts  Foster parenting can easily qualify as one of the most arduous tasks in the world. It calls for nurturing, commitment, and dedication, and when it gets over, sometimes it also takes strength and resilience. Resilience to survive the heartbreak when the foster child leaves

Narcissistic Parents

6 Solid Reasons to Stop Being Narcissistic Parents

“Children learn more from what you are than what you teach” — W.E.B. DuBois. Well, each and every parent will definitely agree with this. In fact, a lot of things contribute to developing a child’s personality, out of which the relationship the child shares with the parents is of primary

Helicopter Parenting

Why Helicopter Parenting is a Bad Idea?

“There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So, just be a real one.” – Sue Atkins Parenting is probably the most challenging job on this planet. There are no markers, definitions, or scales that help you become a good parent. Since every child is different, every parent has

tips on how to raise a boy
Early Years

Top 5 Reasons Childcare Practitioners Leave The Child Care Profession

Childcare is an extremely demanding career, but it can be very rewarding; however, more and more childcare professionals are leaving the childcare industry. Here are the top 5 reasons why childcare practitioners leave the childcare industry. The Long working hours A lot of day nurseries are open for around 10

Parenting Classes

Benefits of Attending Parenting Classes

Are parenting classes worth the time and money? Get Effective Parenting Skills Online The new and only slightly familiar world of parenthood can be understandably quite daunting for first-time parents. Even with the knowledge and experience from your own childhood years and how you were parented by your primary caregivers,

best childcare help in the UK

Therapeutic Parenting – A Nurturing Solution for Children with Trauma

Therapeutic parenting strategies are a unique style of parenting that applies to families where children have a history of childhood trauma. This parenting is usually taught to foster or adopting parents who are going to care for children coming from broken homes. Read on to learn more about therapeutic parenting

effective parenting skills online

Attachment Parenting – 8 Steps to Bringing Up Well-Rounded Children

Times have changed, and so has parenting. We have now arrived at a time where it’s getting difficult to find the balance between love and discipline. Of course, the days of ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’ are long gone. But hasn’t it become awfully tricky nowadays to teach

effective parenting skills online
Learning & Education

A Parents Guide To Internet Safety For Kids

When I was a child, the Internet did not exist, but now internet safety for kids is essential and very important to get right. The Internet can be both an enjoyable and a dangerous place. Nowadays, there is practically no escaping it (unless you decide to become a hermit). Everyone

Gifts For 5 Year Olds

The Perfect Gifts For 5 Year Olds

Finding perfect gifts for 5 year olds, whether your own child, a niece, nephew, or maybe a classmate of your daughter, can be challenging. Especially now, when there are so many options – from books, to clothes, to video games, to toys, looking for the right gift can be overwhelming.

Helicopter Parent
Family Matters

Are You A Helicopter Parent?

Is being a helicopter parent a good thing? Helicopter parent was a term that is said to be first used by Dr Haim Ginott’s 1969 book Parents & Teenagers by teens which described parents that would hover about them like a helicopter. This term became so popular that in 2011 it made

kids goggles
Family Matters

Our Top 5 Best Kids Swimming Goggles

Kids swimming goggles are important!! The summer heat is upon us, and with Covid-19 lockdowns slowly being lifted worldwide, swimming is a welcome option again for parents and their kids. Public pools are being opened, and private pools will be getting a lot of use. Kids swimming goggles are a must for

Learning & Education

Our Top 5 Dinosaur Toys For Kids

We take a look at the top dinosaur toys for kids!! All kids love dinosaurs! When you start a conversation about dinosaurs with your dino-crazy son or daughter, make sure you have a lot of time to spare. T-rex talk can give you and your child many precious (and entertaining)


Our Best 5 Baby Food Maker

Are you looking for the best 5 baby food maker? Once your baby turns six months old (or a little younger, depending on the advice of your family doctor), you usher in a new phase of your child’s life – he can now start weaning! This is an exciting time

wooden chair

Our Best 5 Table and Chair For Kids?

TABLE AND CHAIR FOR KIDS Because of recent global events, most parents have probably realized that it’s a good idea to have a study area, or at least a designated table and chair for your child, at home. Homeschool and distance learning has become a real possibility in the last


Our Top 5 Favourite Baby Bath Toys

Every Bath Needs Baby Bath Toys Babies and toddlers either love bath time or hate it. Some children are born enjoying the water while others are born dreading it. Whether your child loves or hates taking baths, baby bath toys are always a good idea. If your child already loves

black bag

What’s Our Top 4 Best Baby Bag Backpack???

We decided to take a look and see what is the best baby bag backpack. It’s a thought that often crosses new parents’ minds – “How can someone so tiny have so much stuff?” Pre-baby, leaving the house meant getting up, grabbing your purse, and going out your front door.

Best Baby Car Seat

What Is The Best Baby Car Seat?

Choosing the best baby car seat is one of the first major decisions you need to make as a parent. Straight from the hospital, the first thing your baby will use is the car seat, even before the bassinet or pram. Most parents spend a lot of time doing their


What is the best Kids Play Kitchen?

A play kitchen is one of the most popular toys for young children, and for a good reason. Not only are they extremely FUN to play with, but they also have a number of wonderful benefits for children as well. If you’re looking for a toy that encourages pretend play,

Our Top 5 Baby Play Gyms

What Is The Best Baby Play Gym?

Here Are Our Top 5 Baby Play Gyms A baby gym is a baby item that looks like a play mat with several hanging toys that babies can easily grab and hold on to while lying or sitting. It should also provide visual stimulation for the baby by having different

Stress In The ChildCare Industry
Early Years

Is Stress In The Childcare Industry A Massive Problem?

Why Working In Childcare Can Cause Stress Working in childcare is like any other job as at times it can be stressful. There is a lot of pressure put on to childcare practitioners, managers and childcare setting owners which can cause a lot of stress. Stress is a health issue

Best Books for 1 Year Old
Learning & Education

What Are The Best Books For a 1 Year Old

What are our best books for a 1 Year Old? Books are an excellent way to introduce language to your child, and reading together is an excellent avenue for parent and child bonding. Even young babies will benefit from parents reading to them, and this will help (hopefully) develop a

Hearing loss in children
Health & Development

Hearing Loss in Children

As parents, our first priority is to make sure our children are always safe and healthy, both physically and emotionally. One important aspect of our child’s health that we may not be paying enough attention to is their hearing. Did you know that your child’s hearing can be damaged by

3 Easy Homeschooling Tips
Learning & Education

3 Easy Homeschooling Tips

With homeschooling on a lot of parents’ minds nowadays, whether by choice or not, parents are scrambling to think of what activities their kids can do at home. Some schools are doing online classes or meetings, with homework being sent straight to the parents, while others are on an extended

Video baby monitor

What Is The Best Video Baby Monitor Under £25?

We are not going to just look at the best video baby monitor, but we are going to look at the best video baby monitor that cost no more than £25. (at the time of writing this) Having a new baby is costly, and some people are lucky that they


Having a Baby In a COVID-19 Lockdown

How was having a baby in a COVID-19 lockdown? As I write this I have my 3-day old baby boy in my arms, and all the worry and panic before the birth seems to be a distant memory, but I will do my best to explain how it is from

Separation Anxiety
Pre-School Children

5 Ways To Deal With Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a scenario every parent dreads – you’re dropping off your child in school or nursery and your little one starts to cry and cling to your leg. You try to peel himself off quickly but his cries just get harder and his grip even stronger. You finally

inside out movie poster

Top 5 Movies For Your Kids In Lockdown

Kids nowadays have more choices than ever in terms of media – dozens of TV shows to watch, a myriad of games to play, and so many animated movies to choose from on several streaming services. The role of a parent has also become more complex as well, with us


3 Great Ways To Raise Your Child’s EQ

In recent years, the term EQ, also known as emotional quotient or emotional intelligence, has become an ever-present part of conversations about parenting and raising children. As more and more parents realize the importance of raising resilient and well-rounded children, less focus has been put on increasing a child’s IQ,

sleeping kid

Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night

All mums are familiar with the zombie stage of having a newborn – your baby is up every few hours in the middle of the night and therefore, so are you. A good night’s sleep becomes more and more of a fond, distant memory as your new baby always seems

Free Online Childcare Courses
Early Years

6 Free Online Childcare Courses

Are you looking for free online childcare courses? There are a lot of free online child development courses in the UK. Still, when it comes to free childcare courses, then the Open University is probably one of the best places to go and learn and seeing as all these childcare

Childcare Fees
Early Years

Should Parents Continue To Pay Childcare Fees?

Has Your Nursery Asked You To Continue To Pay CHildcare Fees? I am part of a lot of parenting groups and also a lot of early years groups as well, and I have been reading about a lot of nurseries that are closing due to the government orders but are


10 Helpful Tips About Eczema

How young can a baby show signs of eczema? The signs of eczema are dry skin, itchy skin, and sometimes it may seem a bit red. Babies usually get it before the age of two, and it more often than not goes before they are teenagers. Are children born with

Toilet Training

Help With Toilet Training

Toilet training can be a daunting task for many families out there today. It is hard to know when your child is ready to stop using nappies and also how to get them in the habit of using the potty and remembering that they no longer wear a nappy. It

What Is Attachment Parenting?

What Is Attachment Parenting?

Attachment parenting is a term that most parents have heard of but are probably not quite sure what it means or entails. Some parents have probably learned a little about it but have dismissed it and declared, “That’s not for me. I can’t follow all those rules.” But what is

How To Get Your Kids To Stop Bickering

5 Ways To Get Your Kids To Stop Bickering

If you’re a parent of two or more children, you’ll definitely agree that siblings will be bickering about anything and everything. Whether it’s about who got the Legos first or someone sitting too close to someone else, the bickering can seem non-stop.  We’re sure you still remember the time when

Pregnancy & Birth

What You Need For A Newborn Baby

Congratulations on your pregnancy! You’re about to embark on a new journey that’s full of joy and excitement, with a little (or a lot) of anxiety mixed in. Being a new mom in the age of the Internet and social media means you’re bombarded with so much information, including what

number box
Learning & Education

4 Easy Activities to Keep Your Toddler Busy

We know that toddlers have boundless energy and sometimes, this energy can drive us up the wall. As mums, we also know that we don’t want to always give in to parking them in front of the telly when we need a breather. When you want to keep the peace

Should Nursery Practitioners Get Paid The Same As Teachers?
Early Years

Should Nursery Practitioners Get Paid The Same As Teachers?

The UK government is being pressured to put early years and nursery practitioners on the par with teachers in not only status but with pay also. A report has found that poor pay and the ever-increasing workload and the low status of is pushing early years staff/ nursery practitioners out

10 Principles on Raising Children of Character

10 Principles on Raising Children of Character

The character of a person is defined as “the mental and moral qualities distinct to an individual.” Sometimes, we hear the phrases, “he was a man of good character” or “that was out of character for her.” We know that a strong character is an important part of being a

5 Signs of Labour
Pregnancy & Birth

5 Helpful Signs of Labour

You will know when you go into labour… Being pregnant for the first time can be a period of uncertainty and doubt for any woman. With all the excitement and happy anticipation also comes a fear of the unknown. One common concern of a first-time mum is, “How do I

Do I Need to Breastfeed My Baby?

Do I Need to Breastfeed My Baby?

All mums and mums-to-be have undoubtedly heard about the benefits of breastfeeding and the wonders of breast milk. From providing all the necessary vitamins and nutrients a baby needs in the first six months of life, to reducing the risk of obesity in adulthood, breast milk has already been proven

Screen Time - How Much is Too Much?
Health & Development

Screen Time – How Much is Too Much?

In this day and age, it’s hard to find a parent who hasn’t had some sort of internal conflict regarding screen time – Should I allow my child to watch YouTube? Can I let her borrow my smartphone? Am I a horrible parent if I buy my 10-year-old her own

5 Tips on Navigating the Toddler Years

5 Great Tips on Navigating the Toddler Years

Ask any parent to describe the toddler years (from 12 to 36 months old), and most of them will probably answer with a shake of their head and a knowing laugh. It’s a well-known fact that those months between the adorable stage of babyhood and the entertaining preschooler stage can

What is EYFS
Early Years

What Is EYFS? The Basics…

EYFS is short for Early Years Foundation Stage so you can see why we shorten it to EYFS. However, you are probably here because you want to know what EYFS means. The EYFS was created under the Childcare Act of 2006. The EYFS framework is all about the development, learning

Health & Development

A Massage Can Stop A Crying Baby

Reflexology is nothing new and is the ancient practice of massaging pressure points throughout the body to stimulate nerve endings and can help to relieve pain. These nerve endings apparently correspond to different organs and places within the body. Parents are now looking at reflexology to help their young children.

tips on how to raise a boy

NHS could save millions if more mums were to breastfeed

Figures suggest that the health of a mother and baby can be improved by increasing the time women breastfeed, therefore cutting down costs for the NHS. The analysis was conducted by Unicef UK who believe there is a “strong economic case” for supporting more women to breast feed. Findings show

Dealing With Babies Teething Pain

Dealing With Babies Teething Pain

Some helpful advice on dealing with babies teething pain All babies deal with teething differently; some have no pain at all; some suffer from painful gums, and some get side effects such as diarrhoea due to extra acid in the mouth. Most babies start to teeth around six months old,

Should We Still Be Encouraging Our Kids To Go To University???
Family Matters

Should We Still Be Encouraging Our Kids To Go To University???

Through our early years in life, we are taught that you need to get good grades at school and then go on to university so you can go and get a good job and earn lots of money. However, academic achievement is excellent, and if you are wired that way,

empty hall
Learning & Education

A New Headteacher Introduces Saturday Detentions

To Fight Poor Attendance and Parents Have to Attend Too A new headteacher has sparked outrage after he introduced Saturday detention to try and combat poor attendance by the school’s pupils. Seamus Murphy told parents at Folkestone Academy in Kent that the pupils would attend 2-hour detention between 9 am

lobe should not hurt

10 Things That Are Now Illegal And Your Partner Could Be Breaking The Law

The law has finally changed to make psychological abuse within a relationship illegal. The offence of coercive control now knows that domestic abuse can take lots of different forms and is not limited to just physical violence. These new laws have now been enforced in England and Wales, and within

Family Matters

Mothers claim Aldi baby wipes have caused severe rashes and blisters

Three mothers have claimed that a change in recipe of the Aldi 49p Mamia Sensitive baby wipes have caused their babies to suffer burns and blisters. Abbey Blackburn from Moreton and Chloe Baker from Prenton have all claimed the baby wipes from Aldi have caused the painful rashes on their

School Bans Christmas Cards
Learning & Education

Should Teachers Ban Christmas Cards To Be ‘Environmentally Friendly’?

A UK primary school teacher came under fire last week over his decision to ban Christmas cards. The teacher has argued that Christmas cards which have been exchanged at schools throughout the UK for over 170 years have a massive negative impact on the environment. A report by the Daily Mail, says


9 Month Old Baby Killed By Domestic Cat

A 9-month-old baby sleeping in a pram has died from asphyxia after a cat sat on her face blocking her airways. The baby girl suffocated because she was unable to breathe, and she died. This tragic accident took place in Ukraine, where Alexandra was left in her homes back yard

Brushing children's teeth

Top 10 Tips For Brushing Children’s Teeth

1. Brushing twice a day All dentists say it, and they say it for a reason. You need to make sure you are brushing at least twice a day to remove any plaque or bacteria from their teeth and gums. Toothpaste contains fluoride, which helps keep your children’s teeth healthy.

Is it safe to fly when pregnant?
Pregnancy & Birth

Is it safe to fly when pregnant?

The majority of women will have no problem to fly when pregnant; however, there are guidelines you should take into consideration. If you are over 28 weeks pregnant, you may be asked by an airline to provide a “fit to fly” certificate. You can get this from your GP, and

Paracetamol When Pregnant
Pregnancy & Birth

Taking Paracetamol When Pregnant

Paracetamol, ibuprofen and aspirin are all painkillers we use for everyday aches and pains such as headaches. However, there is important information you should know about using them during pregnancy. Try to stick to the lowest dose and even avoid medication if possible, especially in the first trimester. Taking Aspirin

Helpful Advice On Water Births
Pregnancy & Birth

Helpful Advice On Water Births

Water births The amount of women deciding on having a water birth has slightly decreased in the UK. However, there is evidence this is increasing. Water births can be relaxing and can help deal with contractions. What are water births like? Midwives suggest you have a birth plan, and this

Scarlet Fever
Family Matters

UK Scarlet Fever Outbreak Is Highest In 50 Years

The UK is suffering from a massive scarlet fever outbreak as hundreds of cases of the disease had been recorded across England and Wales in recent weeks. Scarlet fever is an infectious disease which was most prominent in the Victorian era. Scarlet fever is mostly a childhood disease seen in

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