This has been a question that comes up a lot in all of the parenting Facebook groups, and frankly, I am fed up with answering it, so I thought I would write about it instead.
Childcare bubbles are not just for working parents. Childcare bubbles are for all parents that need them.
As I write this, I am part of a childcare bubble, and it has been a godsend for us. Coupled with our support bubble getting rid of the children for a few hours here or it is great for everybody involved.
As parents, our stresses are much higher than usual because we have to look at ways to entertain our children through the day every day and not only that before COvid-19 we could use the days to go to the zoo or the park or organise play dates but now things are slightly different.
What is a Childcare Bubble?
A childcare bubble is where one household joins up with another household to provide childcare to any child under 14 years old. All of the adults in both households must agree to this arrangement as it is essential to point out that “informal” childcare is just that and nobody gets paid, and the adults are not registered child care professionals.
Members of either household can provide childcare at home or in a public space, but it is import that each family only has one childcare bubble. We have heard of people creating multiple childcare bubbles which is bonkers if you think about it.
The childcare bubble should only be that, and that is for childcare. You cannot mix with the other household for other reasons. A childcare bubble is not an excuse to have a natter and chat with Babara on a Tuesday afternoon before the soaps start.

However, you can also create a support bubble which is different from a childcare bubble. You must not see members of your support bubble and your childcare bubble at the same time.
I want to change childcare bubbles?
Yes, you can change your childcare bubble providing that at least one of the people in the new childcare bubble is under 14 years old. Also, neither of the households are part of any other childcare bubble during this period.
If you decide to change childcare bubbles, you need to treat your last childcare bubble as a sperate household, so you need to not form a new childcare bubble for ten days. You are not allowed to do childcare in these ten days.
If someone in your last childcare bubble shows symptoms of COvid-19 or tests positive up to 48 hours after the households met all members need to self isolate for ten days and must stick to that to ensure you do not spread the virus.
My Child is Turning 14; what happens now?
A childcare bubble is only allowed t exist while there is anyone under the age of 14 within that bubble.
Once everybody in the households is older than 14, the childcare bubble is dissolved and cannot continue.
My child lives in more than one house, what do I do?
You can mix indoors as much as you like with the other parent, allowing your child to move freely between homes.
A child moving between 2 parents who don’t live together is not counted as a childcare bubble, so both parents can form their own childcare bubbles with another household if they feel they want or need to.
Hopefully, that clears things up for you and explains a little more about what you can, and can’t do and that childcare bubbles are not just for parents who are working.
At Whoobly we would always suggest that you read the government website for your facts and if you are unsure then try and get clarity from a government official.