They say babies inherit their parents’ traits through their genes and for some babies that may not be a good thing but moving on from that mums can have a massive impact on their babies.
Babies tend to spend most of their time with the mother starting from the womb all the way through to early childhood. Mothers love it when they are told their child is just like them, whether facial features or expressions or even their habits. I have always wished for my children to pick the best habits from myself and my lovely wife.
Below are a few of those habits or traits you want your kids to take from you.
A Daily Bath

Scientists suggest that babies can be bathed 3 times a week, but if you bath them every day, they can create a habit, and they won’t want to leave the house without having a nice bath. You won’t have to work hard to get them in the bath at all when you want them to, and they will always be fresh and clean.
Being An Organiser

Your baby has already been looking and taking in their surroundings and if you have been busy tidying up and after your child and putting things away your baby will see this and instinctively know that things need to be in order and in the right place. My wife is exceptionally organised, and I can already see this trait in my daughter, and it is great to see this excellent habit rubbing off.
The Time You Wake Up

Babies appear to have a sixth sense; they always seem to wake up with their mums and know when they are up and awake. If the mum is an early bird, then babies tend to be as well unless you encourage them to sleep in more and may not sleep so much when they reach adulthood. Your babies’ sleep pattern is carried from the womb, but external factors can influence them; for example, if you co-sleep with your baby, they will likely wake up with you.
Communication skills

A baby or young child will pick up words and sayings, you say, and that is why it is important to be careful with your speech. From a young age, my daughter would pretend to be on a mobile phone and learn how to answer phone calls and greet people. These communication skills are vital to children, and they are learned from their parents.
Table Manners

Table manners have been engrained on me the whole time I was growing up and just because a baby is a baby don’t think that they are exempt from table manners. Your baby is watching you and will copy you as they begin to eat for themselves. I have a terrible habit of drinking the milk from my cereal out of the bowl in the mornings, and my now 3-year-old has done this also from the day she could eat on her own.
Learning about Manners

Being well mannered and polite is something that children learn from their parents. Being courteous and knowing when to say please and thank you and learning how to greet people and animals is being passed down to your children at a very young age.
Being Punctual

Being on time or early is something that some people are just good at, or they are lousy at it. There is evidence to show that a mother/father who is punctual and organised will rub off on their children. Having routines is the first thing that helps your baby become someone who is rarely late, and that goes a long way in the modern world.
What habits have your children picked up from you?
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