420 Months

420 Months 1

What the hell is wrong with people?

I was at the shops the other day with baby grumble, and some other mother came up and was trying to make conversation with me. To be honest I have enough shit to deal with when Mrs Grumble talks to me so, to be honest, I wasn’t fucking interested however I was doing my best to be polite.

When she asked how old Baby Grumble was I replied with 9 months and then she told me that her baby was 34 months.

34 flippin’ months, I am frantically in my head trying to think how many years is that then it quickly dawned on me that this thick arsed twomk was trying to tell me that her baby was nearly 3 flippin years old. Why the heck could she not tell me that in the first bloody place

Why in gods name do left-handed flower pots of parents insist on giving their child’s age in months??? I don’t tell you I am 419 fucking months old, do I? I am 34 years old you clown and then when I turn 35 I am 35 years old not 420 months!!!

My head is fried enough without having to bust out a calculator to work out how old your poxy spoilt little brat is and to be honest I could not give a damn either.

Anything up to a year then that is fair enough, but after that, we will split it to the nearest 6 months or should I say “Half”… Yes, Baby Grumble is just over 1 years old, or she is nearly 1.5 years old or almost 2. Not 16 months old or 18 months old.

For the love of god don’t give me your child’s age in months or I may just tell you to do one.


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